How investments in loans work at SaveLend

How can you make money on loans? Where do the loans come from? And where does SaveLend come into the picture? From loans to investment opportunities, these four parties are involved:

  • Borrower

    A company or an individual in need of financing

  • Lending company

    Issues a loan to the borrower and then sells the loan to investors on SaveLend's platform
  • SaveLend

    A digital marketplace for loans
  • Investors

    Uses SaveLend to invest in loans

Four steps from need to investment

  • Need

    A person wants to buy a car, or a property owner wants to renovate an apartment complex. They do not have enough liquid capital to finance their needs, and therefore contact an originator in order to apply for a loan.

  • Loan

    An originator that has been approved by SaveLend, reviews the loan application from the borrower. If the loan application meets the originator's requirements, it is approved and paid out to the borrower.

  • Investment

    The originator publishes the loan on SaveLend's platform. Investors using SaveLend will have the opportunity to invest in these loans.

  • Return

    The borrower repays the originator, who then pays SaveLend's investors. This is how you get your earned return.

Why SaveLend?

  • Stable return on investment

    If you already have other investments, for example in equities or real estate, investments in loans are excellent for balancing your portfolio and managing risk.
  • The perfect complement

    If you already have other investments, for example in equities or real estate, investments in loans are excellent for balancing your portfolio and managing risk.
  • Risk diversification

    When investing in P2P loans with SaveLend, your capital is invested in hundreds of different loans. This helps you manage risks even further.