About SaveLend

We offer individuals and companies the opportunity to invest in loans. Choose which loan types you want to invest in, which maturities you are interested in, and how much you want to invest. By investing with SaveLend, you diversify your portfolio as well as ensure that your money doesn't sleep.

We help you get closer to financial freedom!

Start investing
SaveLend - Financial freedom for all

Our vision - financial freedom for everyone

Investments in loans were previously reserved for banks, loan companies, and other large businesses. Knowing that, we asked ourselves: how can we empower regular people and small companies to get the same possibility?

The answer to that question was SaveLend.

By investing with us and becoming a part of SaveLend, you are participating in challenging previously established conventions. Today, everyone can build their own diversified loan portfolio with SaveLend, meaning everyone is one step closer to financial freedom. Therefore, we would like to thank all of you who invest with us; you are helping us change an outdated industry. You make it possible for us to continue our work towards our vision - financial freedom for everyone!

Our promises

The most important thing for us is that our customers feel satisfied and have confidence in what we do. Our key concepts and what we stand for are summarized in our investor promises:

  • Safer investments!

    Balance your portfolio and spread your risks by investing in several different loan types.

  • Easier investments!

    Use our automated monthly deposits or make one-time deposits.

  • Better investments!

    Since the start, the savings strategies have delivered a stable return in line with the target return

We make money when you make money

You earn interest on the loans that you invest in which can be reinvested into new loans, providing you with compound interest. You can also choose to deactivate SmartInvest and transfer all your earnings to your bank account.

We charge a performance-based service fee corresponding to 10% of the interest you earn on your investments. This further strengthens our incentive to provide investment opportunities in loans where the borrower is able to repay the loans. This way, our business model means that when you make money - we make money!

SaveLend - Making money together

Spread your risks with SaveLend

Investing in loans is a great complement to other investments. As with all savings and investments, the rule of thumb is to not put all your eggs in one basket, but instead divide your capital among many different investment types. 

We offer investment opportunities in a wide array of loan types in order to provide our customers with diversified portfolios. With the help of our investment algorithm, your capital is automatically invested in hundreds of different loans, but you can of course also tailor exactly which types of loans you are interested in.

We work tirelessly to ensure all loans available for investment on our platform are of high quality, so that you can invest with ease of mind. 

How to invest with SaveLend

Our companies

The investment platform is provided by SBL Finans AB (publ), registration number 556933-0961, and the payment services are provided by SBL Payments AB, registration number 559097-7046.

SBL Payments AB is a payment service provider licensed by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority.

SBL Finans AB (publ) is a consumer credit institution and a crowdfunding service provider, licensed by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority.