Why invest in loans?

There are many reasons to invest in loans! Here are three of them:

  • Stable return

    Since the start, the savings strategies have delivered a stable return in line with the target return of 6.5-7.5% for Balanced and 8.0-10.0% for Yield.
  • The perfect complement to the stock market

    Investing in loans is a great way to diversify and balance your portfolio.
  • Diversification

    When you invest in loans with SaveLend, your capital is automatically invested into hundreds of different loans. This helps you mitigate the risks even further.
Start investing

Why invest in loans?

There are many reasons to invest in loans! Here are three of them:
  • Stable return

    Since the start, the savings strategies have delivered a stable return in line with our target return.
  • The perfect complement to the stock market

    Investing in loans is a great way to diversify and balance your portfolio.
  • Diversification

    When you invest in loans with SaveLend, your capital is automatically invested into hundreds of different loans. This helps you mitigate the risks even further.
SaveLend - How investments in credits work

How investing in loans work

With SaveLend, you invest in loans, meaning your investments finance the loans of individuals and companies. Your return on investment consists of the interest the borrowers pay for these loans.

We offer investment opportunities in a wide range of asset classes, from consumer loans, corporate loans, factoring, debt collection portfolios, and more. Choose whether you want to use our default investment settings or customize your own investment strategy, for example, if you only want to invest in a specific type of loan.

For each loan you invest in, you will receive payments to your SaveLend account as the borrower repays their loan. Loans on our platform get repaid in different ways; some borrowers repay their loans monthly, some pay interest on an ongoing basis with a lump sum amortization at the end, while others repay the entire loan when it matures. 

When receiving your repayment, you can choose to either reinvest it automatically using SmartInvest or transfer it to your bank account. If you choose to reinvest your return, you will get compound interest, meaning that you earn interest on both your original investment and your earned return.

Read more about loan types

Diversify your portfolio – invest in loans

The goal of all investments is to get a return. Since all investments are associated with some form of risk, a higher risk on the investment generally means a higher return,

To reduce your overall risk, diversification is important. This means that you spread your capital across industries, markets, sectors, and types of investment. In other words, do not put all the eggs in one basket. Investing in loans with SaveLend is a great way to diversify your portfolio.

SaveLend - Diversify your investments

How much should you invest in loans?

It is of course up to you how much you want to invest, where to invest it and for how long. Similarly, you choose whether investments in loans are your primary investment type, or if it is a compliment to other investments. It all depends on factors such as risk appetite, target return, and what you're saving up for.

To ensure a good diversification of your entire investment portfolio, our recommendation is that you invest part of your saved capital with SaveLend and spread the rest among other asset classes such as shares, funds, real estate, and more.

Varför ska du investera i SaveLend? - BACKUP

Riskspridning är en viktig faktor för att lyckas med sina investeringar, vilket därmed är viktigt för oss. Vi är unika i Sverige med att erbjuda både fler kredittyper och automatiserade investeringar för att sprida ut kapital. Det innebär både ökad riskspridning samt valmöjlighet för dig som investerare. Välj själv hur ditt kapital ska fördelas bland de kredittyper som finns tillgängliga för investering på plattformen; från exempelvis konsument-, och företagskrediter till fakturaköp och utbyggnad av fastigheter.

Den andra viktiga faktorn för lyckade investeringar är självklart avkastning. Vår historiska avkastning på genomsnitt 13,82 % per år efter kreditförluster och avgifter sedan vi lanserade 2014 står sig bra mot våra konkurrenter. Genom att erbjuda transparens i våra affärsmodeller och en nära kontakt med oss som jobbar här, hoppas vi du ska känna dig som hemma hos oss.

Get started with SaveLend in 4 easy steps:

  1. 1
    Create a SaveLend account
  2. 2
    Choose one or more of SaveLend's savings and investment products
  3. 3
    Make your first deposit
  4. 4
    Your money is invested automatically